
We are a small yet active church in Zionsville, PA. Join us for Sunday school & traditional worship services. Find out whether we're your home church.

assembling school kits for students in need around the world
sign that says love each other
inside the sanctuary

Our Events

January 26:

Sunday school begins at 9:00 a.m. Worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. with Pastor Duane Moyer bringing the message from Psalm 36:5-7 and Matthew 6:25-34.

February 2:

Sunday school begins at 9:00 a.m. Worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. Brief congregational meeting follows worship service, then social & snacks time.

February 8:

First annual Soups & Scoops from 5-8 p.m. Enjoy homemade soups and homemade ice cream plus play games while socializing!

Wider Church Items

* Do you enjoy learning with others? Spring semester registration is open until January 31 for Living U, the lifelong learning institute of Living Branches. Class topics include: insights from ancient Christian questions, the Mennonite communal background of Living Branches, stories behind Peace Valley, a critical history of journalism, stents, mushroom foraging, presidents in retirement, and more. Go to https://livingbranches.org/about/living-u-lifelong-learning/ or contact Maribeth Benner, Living U coordinator, at 215-368-4438 ext. 44204.
* Registration is open for the 2025 Mennonite Arts Weekend in Cincinnati, OH, February 7-9. This weekend celebrates the creativity and discipline of Anabaptist Mennonite artists. Find the list of presenters, registration and location information at https://mennoniteartsweekend.org.
* You are invited to the Perkasie Mennonite Church’s Patchwork Coffeehouse live concert with Big Valley Bluegrass and opener Russ Rentler on February 15, 7:30 p.m., at 320 W Chestnut St., Perkasie, PA. Come enjoy the “DYNAMIC blend of traditional bluegrass, jazz and folk music.”  Wheelchair accessible.
* Spread Smiles in Souderton while serving at Care & Share Thrift Shoppes. We have immediate volunteer openings as cashiers and restockers. Just four hours a week would be a tremendous help! Sign up for a volunteer orientation today.
* Healthy Niños Honduras operates a Nutritional Rehabilitation Center through which help is continually provided through food distributions and mobile clinics. With a $150 donation, HNH can purchase a pallet of clothes, shoes, household goods from other local organizations. [ Newsletters ]
* Lend a hand in the MCC Material Resource Center warehouse! Each first and third Wednesday of the month from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., they’re in need of a few volunteers to help out. Call 267-203-8074 to let them know you’re coming.

UMMC in the winter time

Weather-related cancellations