Our Events
January 26:
Sunday school begins at 9:00 a.m. Worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. with Pastor Duane Moyer bringing the message from Psalm 36:5-7 and Matthew 6:25-34.
February 2:
Sunday school begins at 9:00 a.m. Worship service begins at 10:30 a.m. Brief congregational meeting follows worship service, then social & snacks time.
February 8:
First annual Soups & Scoops from 5-8 p.m. Enjoy homemade soups and homemade ice cream plus play games while socializing!
Wider Church Items
* Do you enjoy learning with others? Spring semester registration is open until January 31 for Living U, the lifelong learning institute of Living Branches. Class topics include: insights from ancient Christian questions, the Mennonite communal background of Living Branches, stories behind Peace Valley, a critical history of journalism, stents, mushroom foraging, presidents in retirement, and more. Go to https://livingbranches.org/about/living-u-lifelong-learning/ or contact Maribeth Benner, Living U coordinator, at 215-368-4438 ext. 44204.
* Registration is open for the 2025 Mennonite Arts Weekend in Cincinnati, OH, February 7-9. This weekend celebrates the creativity and discipline of Anabaptist Mennonite artists. Find the list of presenters, registration and location information at https://mennoniteartsweekend.org.
* You are invited to the Perkasie Mennonite Church’s Patchwork Coffeehouse live concert with Big Valley Bluegrass and opener Russ Rentler on February 15, 7:30 p.m., at 320 W Chestnut St., Perkasie, PA. Come enjoy the “DYNAMIC blend of traditional bluegrass, jazz and folk music.” Wheelchair accessible.
* Spread Smiles in Souderton while serving at Care & Share Thrift Shoppes. We have immediate volunteer openings as cashiers and restockers. Just four hours a week would be a tremendous help! Sign up for a volunteer orientation today.
* Healthy Niños Honduras operates a Nutritional Rehabilitation Center through which help is continually provided through food distributions and mobile clinics. With a $150 donation, HNH can purchase a pallet of clothes, shoes, household goods from other local organizations. [ Newsletters ]
* Lend a hand in the MCC Material Resource Center warehouse! Each first and third Wednesday of the month from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m., they’re in need of a few volunteers to help out. Call 267-203-8074 to let them know you’re coming.
Weather-related cancellations
are announced here.